Several members have expressed an interest in seeing the cunts of PREGNANT women gaped open for their examination, presumably because in the 8th and 9th month the vulva is swollen and the vagina is partially dilated allowing it to be spread much wider than normal.
I was surprised, however, that no member mentioned women AFTER childbirth. POST-pregnant cunts are famously loose and flaccid, especially during the first few months, and can be gaped open quite a bit. The birth process causes the vaginal walls to stretch and the fluid retained around the vulva to dissipate. In fact, it’s not uncommon for mothers’ vulvas to remain permanently enlarged and loose and thus easy to gape. Furthermore, each subsequent birthing causes the vagina to permanently enlarge even more.
Therefore, it is precisely for that reason that I request at least some models who have given birth - and preferably multiple times - to be featured. Without a doubt their cunts can be opened up much more so than most of the young, childless(?) 20-somethings usually featured here.